As many of you know,GREEK GUITAR POWER(my instrumental electric project that is comprised of myMOST advanced electric guitar students) had a VERY strong year withnumerous seminars, live performances and too many new sponsoring to mention!
Now, I am in the (lengthy and a just little tiring) process of arranging theupcoming performances/events for the period Fall 2008-Spring 2009… We are already scheduled for5 weekend Electric Guitar festivalsaroundGreeceplusquite a few performancesfor the Live Band! Details with dates and venues will be announced shortly in upcoming bulletins!
For this coming season we havea couple ofpersonnel changesin the permanent lineupofGreek Guitar Power.
Gus DraxandConstantinewill no longer be joining us in our performances/seminars.
I’ve been the electric guitar teacher forConstantinefor6 years –he wasonly 13-years oldwhen he came to me for his first electric guitar lessons! He was worked very hard and has come a LONG way since then.
Gus Draxwas already a VERY good player when he came to me a couple of years ago – he just needed a bit of “refinement” and some professional guidance.
Both guys have A LOT in their plates right now, trying to juggle being a full-time member in2 different bandseach and recordingtheir own instrumental CDs. All these commitments unfortunately do not give them the luxury of the time needed to take part in a time-intensive and musically ambitious project likeGreek Guitar Power…
I amVERY PROUD & HAPPY for both kids
(well, actually I should probably call them “guys” – but, to me, they are always kids…)
As a guitar teacher/manager,MY GOALSfor these twohave been accomplishedto the fullest!
They AREwell on their wayto aprofessional career making music!
From now on,it is up to them– it is nowtheir responsibilityandTHEYwill be theONLY onesto getall the credit!
ISINCERELYwish them the best in their career!
Their permanent replacements in theGreek Guitar Powerlineup will be announced soon!